Saturday, 10 November 2012

Pros and Cons of Communicative Approach and Task Based LearningPros and Cons of Communicative Approach and Task Based Learning

Course 1    Module 9      Pros and Cons of Communicative Approach and Task Based Learning

The communicative approach has many strengths:

1. function is emphasized over form
2. students negotiate meaning
3. it is student-centered
4. it uses authentic materials
5. all language skills are taught from the beginning
6. small groups are utilized for peer correction
7. students are allowed to make errors
8. grammar is often taught inductively
9. vocabulary is not limited to a text
10. structural, discourse, socio-cultural and strategic competence are taken into account

In terms of weaknesses, the communicative approach often focuses on fluency without enough regard to grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This is how teachers have interpreted it, it is not the intent of the approach itself.

Task based learning is a great way to engage students in the classroom. It has a specific purpose in mind and calls on all students to complete the task. However, task based learning requires a large amount of time planning all the components of it and requires a lot of group participation. Students may find this type of learning difficult depending on their culture of origin.  

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